067: How Gratitude Can Improve Your Running and Your Day
Dec 20, 2018
Gratitude is an incredibly important quality to carry with you throughout the day. It frames how you perceive everything around you and tilts the day in a much more positive direction.
In our busy lives, one of the things that is very easy to skip past is the feeling of thankfulness and gratitude. Angie and I both like to start the day bringing to mind 1-3 specific things that we are thankful for. She actually takes the time to write them as part of her journaling practice. Maybe I’ll get there next year.
When the day starts with gratitude and then is followed by a to-do list, this list becomes a series of blessings or challenges that require a solution. When you open just with the list of items to check off, then each item can become one more thing that you must get through or endure.
From a running perspective, it is a much nicer experience when the run, or the few minutes before you start, can call to mind your thankfulness for being able to get out and run. You might enjoy nature, solitude, the company of those around you, or the feeling of your own strength. By simply taking a moment to remember why you are running, it can become so much more than just another item to check off during the day.
When you first start to bring gratitude to running, it can be a bit of a challenge to stay so positive and cheery for the whole run. Just start with a few minutes at the beginning. Do not force yourself into being thankful. By simply opening your run with thanks, you will be surprised that it shows back up throughout the run and day.
Once you have woken up with thanks and worked out with gratitude, it’s time to carry that mindset through the whole day. Over time, frustrating situations will be seen as exciting opportunities and challenges. When you find yourself slipping back into frustration, do not force the gratitude through clenched teeth. Look around and see if you can make someone else happy. A small act of kindness done for someone else will also brighten your day.
Everyone is a work in progress. We have talked about goal setting and striving toward greatness. In the quest to be better, it is helpful to start with a simple task of a genuine expression of gratitude. I am grateful for everyday. I am grateful for my family, for running, for this podcast community. I am thankful for crisp mornings and beautiful sunrises. I am thankful for soggy shoes and sweaty runs in the heat. I am grateful for so much. Some are big items, and some are just big to me, but I am thankful.
When the day begins with thanks, we are able to see events throughout the day as blessings we are allowed to have and not tasks we must complete. If you are searching for a way to stay motivated, it is hard to do better than that. Thank you.
Spend 5 minutes today thinking about your running journey over the past year. Write down 3 things you are thankful for. Looking ahead, write down 3 things you would like to accomplish in 2019. Share them with us in the Tribe on Facebook or email them to us and we will pick some to read on our show next week. This also will give you an additional entry into the Key West contest.
Key West contest: Write us a review on iTunes, screenshot it and email it to us to be entered to win. If you already have left us a review, you can leave us another one, about the show in general or about one particular episode that you really liked.
Hope you enjoy it!! Let us know if you have any questions that you would like answered on our show!
1. FIRST WAY TO ENTER: Leave us a review on iTunes. Screenshot it and email it to us at [email protected]
2. Send us your gratitude entry - tell us 3 things that you are thankful for and as a bonus, 3 goals for next year, either in your running or your life
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