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086: What is a Multi-System workout and how can it benefit me?

May 02, 2019

Who among us is not a little crunched for time and struggling to get in the most optimal workout or workouts each week.  Add in a long run, formwork, strength, proper nutrition, not to mention getting enough sleep and it can all get a little overwhelming.  

On this episode we talk about how to get the biggest bang for your workout buck, or in other words, how you can optimize your running time. The idea is what we like to refer to as multi-system workouts.  

Some examples: 

  1. Start fast and move to steady
    • Warmup, start fast - do one mile at 1 mile to 2 mile race pace, short/incomplete recovery (about half the time it took you to run that mile), then move into a medium distance tempo run for 10-20 minutes (at 1 hour race pace), cool down 
  2. Cut Down Workout
    • Pick any interval- I like quarters- and keep dropping the pace every set
    • 4x4x400 with pace dropping from 10k to 5k to 3k to mile
    • Increase recovery as the pace drops
  3. Pyramids 
    • 400/800/1600/800/400 (meters)
    • Increase (slow) the pace as the reps get longer and then speed it back up to close as they get shorter again
    • Recovery should match the time it took you to just perform the last interval 
  4. Speed work into a Long run
    • Instead of a 15 mile long run, do a 10 mile run with 5 miles at easy pace, then 5 miles at tempo or goal half marathon pace 

Remember, these workouts are intense, so allow yourself the proper recovery, and don't do these every week.  Sprinkle them in for a nice change and challenge, and you will reap great benefits.


Hope you enjoy it!! Let us know if you have any questions that you would like answered on our show!    

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