Podcast and Articles
Helping you to become the runner you want to be
Is it a good idea to drink coffee before a run? It usually depends who you ask. Some people swear by that cup of coffee to get them up and out the door before morning runs. Others swear it would only result in an upset stomach. Whichever side of the fence you’re on, one thing is certain:...
Many people start running because they want to lose weight. They’ve probably heard that it’s a quick and efficient way to burn calories, and they’re not wrong: According to the American Council on Exercise, running generally burns more calories per minute than basketball,...
For us runners, we understand that food is more than simple nutrition. Food is fuel. While many runners struggle with their poor relationship with food, the bottom line is that you can't optimize your run and training well if you don't fuel properly. In this episode, Kristy Baumann, a registered...
For a distance runner, food is a source of energy before a workout. It is vital nutrition during the long run. It is a critical aspect of recovery following hard workouts. On the other hand, food is so much more than macromolecules. As much as food feeds our bodies, a...
For many runners, eating is about so much more than food — it’s about fuel. We know we need fuel to power our workouts, and we know that what we eat before a run can affect how it will feel. For example, we know that if we eat a cheeseburger 10 minutes before heading out the door for...
Everyone wants the secret to proper fueling during a race and the exact nutrition plan following a workout or race. While there are certain guidelines and general methods that work better than others, a major part of the picture is overall nutrition. In this episode we will...
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