Podcast and Articles
Helping you to become the runner you want to be
If you’ve ever won an ice cream-eating contest, you know it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. (Brain freeze, stomachache, sudden need for a bathroom… check, check, check.) Yet as easy as it to make the connection between too much ice cream and the negative...
Runners are a pretty unique group. If you regularly find yourself saying things like, “I can’t tonight because I have a long run in the morning,” or “Sure, 5:30 isn’t too early to meet for hill repeats,” the sport has no doubt changed you in some deep and...
In this week's episode, we answer some of the questions posed to us by our listeners. Tune in to hear the answers!
Highlights of the Episode
What’s the best way to keep running as I age? How do I maintain speed/pace as I age with less injuries?
How to go from walking to...
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