Podcast and Articles
Helping you to become the runner you want to be
There are so many different runners out on the roads and trails and they all run with a somewhat different look. You can often pick out friends and family from quite a distance after you have run with them awhile. Do the small differences in form really make a big difference in...
In today’s bonus episode, we speak with one of our Real Life Runners, Angelica Flanigan, about her running journey during pregnancy and infertility. Angelica shares her story about her secondary infertility, how she bravely faced this challenge and found a good balance in her running.
Running seems so simple. It’s at the center of most sports. Kids do it so easily. It takes relatively little equipment. Yet, beyond running is training to run, and that is a little more complex. The wrong approach can lead to frustration, injury, and...
If you don’t already use running as a form of therapy yourself, you’ve probably at least heard it described that way by someone you know. Many runners swear by the mood-boosting benefits of running, and some doctors are even beginning to recommend it as a frontline treatment for mild...
Runners tend to fall into two categories when it comes to strength training, love or hate. While some runners cherish strength days to feel stronger and tone their body, others would much rather be logging some extra miles. In this episode, we talk about the dangers of both camps and...
How often do you reach the end of the day or the workweek and wonder what happened? Where did the time go? How did you get so little accomplished when you had such big plans? Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe when this current thing is completed and I have more...
Remember when you were a kid and you used to just sprint from place to place without worrying that you would get tired? Remember the thrill of flying down a hill or running across a beach? Can you think back to the excitement of running so fast that you were not sure if your feet...
In today’s bonus episode, we speak with one of our Real Life Runners, Erin Gallardo, about her running journey and her quest to find her intuition through running. Erin shares how her running journey has helped her to grow into the person that she is today, and how achieving her...
Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply decide to have a better run or a better race or even a better life and it would just happen? Controlling our perspective on what is happening around us really does affect how our life plays out. Just as two people can see the same...
Goal setting is super popular at this time of the year. It can come with some apprehension causing us to create smaller goals than we should. On the other hand, it can come with a bold ambition that may stretch beyond our limits. In this episode we discuss goals. Big...
There is no argument that 2020 is a very challenging year for us. But the uncertainties and difficulties that we faced actually can be a catalyst for bringing forward the best in us as we look ahead to 2021. Angie and Kevin are here to help you reflect on, and learn about the ways that you need...
As we approach the end of 2020, many people are bidding good riddance to a year like no other. Prior to goal setting for 2021, which is important to set up a great year, we need to take some time to reflect on what happened this past year. Before we brush off the year and dismiss the...
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