Podcast and Articles

Helping you to become the runner you want to be

111: How Looking Ahead Can Keep Us Behind Oct 24, 2019

It is not the struggle of the moment that overwhelms us.  It is regret over something we cannot change and apprehension about what may come.  Live for the moment and the moment becomes easier. Decisions become clearer. “Can’t” simply disappears.  You current...

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110: The Problem with Perfection Oct 17, 2019

Sometimes it is possible to get so wrapped up in trying to be as prepared as you can, that you never actually reach the destination.  This is the problem with perfectionism. At it worst, perfectionism is a crutch that can be used to never actually have to take a risk. When you can take a...

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109: Stop Pushing So Hard Oct 10, 2019

Every workout is not a race.  Every plank is not a competition.  Every task should not require you to dig deep into the well and scrape out every bit of energy in the name of greatness.  This may sound like an episode on recovery, but it’s not. This is about the importance...

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108: You Are in Charge But Not In Control Oct 03, 2019

Today’s episode may sound like just playing with words, but there is a mental perspective that is required to transform your training and your entire life.  You are in charge of your choices and your actions but you are not in control of the results. We have very little to no control...

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107: Embrace the "Bad" Days Sep 26, 2019

Without the bad, how can we appreciate the good?  

Bad days are going to happen.  There are days you do not want to get out of bed, days you feel sick, days your legs feel heavy, days your motivation is shot, days you are mentally fried and physically exhausted.  What are you...

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106: Your Magic Training Plan Sep 19, 2019

Does it exist?  Your magic training plan for your next race that will guarantee your results?  

You need a plan that's right FOR YOU.  There are a lot of great plans out there, but which one is right for you?  Does it take YOU into consideration?  That needs to happen...

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105: Maintain High Standards Sep 12, 2019

How are you showing up, in your running and your life? 

Are you maintaining high standards or settling for mediocrity?


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104: How Fast Can I Get Fast? Sep 05, 2019

 If you sit in on a conversation with a group of runners, it will not take long before the discussion of personal records comes up.  Naturally, that discussion is followed by some personal thoughts that are often based in comparison. One of those thoughts tends to be:  how fast...

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103: Do You Care Too Much? Aug 29, 2019


This episode tackles the fairly complicated topic of caring about your goals.  It would seem that caring about your results would be important, but we also discuss the darker side of caring too much, that you prevent yourself from ever reaching the goal. 

We start with the idea...

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102: Is Your Race Training Compromising Your Health? Aug 22, 2019

This episode was spurred on by a few events.  With the start of the school year, it is also the start of official cross country practice and the kids bring out new ideas in me.  

I have been thinking about the new runners and how adding just about anything to their routine will...

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101: How Adopting a Mindset of Abundance Can Help Your Running Aug 15, 2019

 This episode sticks to a good mental approach to running and life at large.  The theme of the show is the abundance mindset. 

Overall, the abundance mindset proclaims that there is enough to go around, there is always more, and the universe will give you what you need and are...

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100: The Running Family Aug 08, 2019


In celebration of our 100th episode, we decided to try out an interview.  One of the inspirations for this podcast and the entire Real Life Runner company is to be role models for our children.  We thought we would see how that is going.  

In this episode, we talk...

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