Podcast and Articles
Helping you to become the runner you want to be
New year, new you! It’s time to go all out on training. You have signed up for a race and it’s approaching rapidly so you need to get your running cranked up. Enthusiasm is great, but can lead to some major issues involving overtraining. In this episode...
Show notes are coming! :)
Hope you enjoy it!! Let us know if you have any questions that you would like answered on our show!
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As we wrap up the end of the holiday season, and especially Christmas in this household, the idea of delayed gratification has been forefront in my mind. We were able to watching our two little girls count down the days until they were done with school and then until Christmas...
Gratitude is an incredibly important quality to carry with you throughout the day. It frames how you perceive everything around you and tilts the day in a much more positive direction.
In our busy lives, one of the things that is very easy to skip past is the feeling of...
The holidays can be so busy, with holiday parties, Christmas concerts, gift exchanges, and family and friend get togethers.
Where does running and health fit in?
First, let’s think about the benefits of fitting in running
Running and healthy eating during the holidays are ways...
Best running gifts
The best gifts are something that the recipient wants but does not want to buy for themselves. The gift is removing the barrier of spending money on something they they could live without, but don’t want to.
Here are some of our favorites. Find most of...
The treadmill. I have heard it called many things. The dreadmill. A winter refuge. A shelter from stifling heat or powerful thunderstorms. A human hamster wheel. The long road to nowhere. Cardio. Personally, I like to think of the treadmill as cheap therapist that I...
Life moves fast and sometimes we need to step back and enjoy the moment or expand our point of view and look at the big picture. That is not the point of this episode. That was last week.
Sometimes we need to move fast. We need to get in a speed workout to test our physical...
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” This quote from the iconic Ferris Bueller drives home the importance of going slow. There are plenty of life lessons contained in the episode and we start with a...
Do you have that friend who seems to run a race every single weekend? In this episode, we look into the good and the bad of constant racing. With a background in high school racing, Kevin has so many races in his rear view mirror, he cannot count. On the other hand, Angie came into...
This episode focuses on striving for greatness. To understand this episode, I think that it would be helpful to know where it came from. We are coming up on the end of the cross country season and trying to put things in perspective for a group of kids with hopes of reaching the...
Perspective changes everything we do and how we do it. We naturally compare ourselves with others or with previous versions of ourselves. We judge workouts and difficult trials before they start. We name things hard or comfortable. We predetermine how stressful an event will...
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