Podcast and Articles

Helping you to become the runner you want to be

063: The Importance of Speed Workouts and Fast Food Nov 22, 2018

Life moves fast and sometimes we need to step back and enjoy the moment or expand our point of view and look at the big picture.  That is not the point of this episode.  That was last week.

Sometimes we need to move fast.  We need to get in a speed workout to test our physical...

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062: Slow Down: The Importance of Going Slowly in Running and Eating Nov 15, 2018

“Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”  This quote from the iconic Ferris Bueller drives home the importance of going slow.  There are plenty of life lessons contained in the episode and we start with a...

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061: Are You Racing Too Much? Nov 08, 2018

Do you have that friend who seems to run a race every single weekend?  In this episode, we look into the good and the bad of constant racing. With a background in high school racing, Kevin has so many races in his rear view mirror, he cannot count.  On the other hand, Angie came into...

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060: How Running Makes Us Greater in All Things Nov 01, 2018

This episode focuses on striving for greatness.  To understand this episode, I think that it would be helpful to know where it came from.  We are coming up on the end of the cross country season and trying to put things in perspective for a group of kids with hopes of reaching the...

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059: Perspective is Everything, in Running and Life Oct 25, 2018

Perspective changes everything we do and how we do it.  We naturally compare ourselves with others or with previous versions of ourselves.  We judge workouts and difficult trials before they start. We name things hard or comfortable.  We predetermine how stressful an event will...

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058: Running Etiquette - What To Do in Those Awkward Situations Oct 18, 2018


How can I be a better runner is a regular question for a coach, and we have spent many episodes discussing the mental and physical aspects of training.  In this episode, we take a very practical approach and cover some unwritten rules of running, what we call running etiquette....

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057: What Happened in that Race? A Coaching Conversation Oct 11, 2018

It’s time for a look behind the scenes of the Real Life Runners, and a chance to listen into a coaching call.  The conversation this week is between Kevin and Angie about her latest 5k race over the weekend. The results were a bit mixed as it was a personal best, but it also fell...

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056: Using Inspirational Tools to Dig Deeper when Running Oct 04, 2018


This episode dives into the world of the inspirational pep talk.  We takes a few tangents along the way, but really try to view the pep talk from the perspective of both the coach and the athlete.  We also cover why the speech that gets you pumped up and ready to run through a...

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055: Our One Year Anniversary Episode! Tying Running and Health Into a Fun and Family-Centered Life: Lessons from Disney and Our First Year Sep 27, 2018


This episode marks the one year anniversary of the podcast, and it has been amazing.  When we first started it was a little scary to think we would put this out to the world and people would actually want to listen.  Now, as we approach 27000 downloads around the world, we...

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054: How To Run a Half Marathon Sep 20, 2018


The half marathon is said to be for those who are only half crazy.  Angie and I both tried our first half marathon to see what was possible at that distance, while knowing that we were not ready for a full 26.2.  In this episode we dive into the half marathon from several...

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053: What Should I DO? Sep 13, 2018

 One of my least favorite questions to be asked is one that I also frequently get as a teacher, coach, and parent.  

What do I need to do?

Except it usually sounds more like:  Uunnggghhh, what do I do?!?!?

Please don’t get me wrong, I love helping other people....

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052: Key Workouts for 5k, 10k, half marathon, and marathon training Sep 06, 2018

How do I get faster?  The ultimate question for a coach and competitive runner.  While there really is no magic workout or super predictor, there are some best practices.  

 Different workouts are designed for different physical benefits, and those benefits have varying...

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