Podcast and Articles

Helping you to become the runner you want to be

168: How to Treat and Prevent Side Stitches Nov 12, 2020

Your run is cruising along nicely until you feel a twinge in your side.  It’s subtle at first but quickly builds to a sharp pain just below the ribs.  You walk for a bit, but as soon as you start running, it pops right back up.  The dreaded side stitch.  Most runners...

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What is VO2 Max and What Does it Mean to Me? Nov 09, 2020

If you’ve been running for more than 20 years, you probably remember a time when you couldn’t tell by simply glancing down at your wrist what pace you were running or how far you’d come — let alone your heart rate or other more in-the-weeds data points. Today, though,...

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167: Hip Stability and Mobility for Runners Nov 05, 2020

When it comes to running, we all want to be strong and injury-resistant.  The last thing we want is to be sidelined with pain or injury.  We want to be able to run faster and longer and not feel limited.  One way to do this is by building a strong running foundation, and...

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166: All-or-Nothing to Sustainable Growth with Guy Fitzgerald Nov 03, 2020


Today, we speak to Guy Fitzgerald, about his life and running journey:  a journey from a kid with asthma, through a decade of severe addiction and 2 near-death experiences, through motocross racing, into running, out of running due to injury, through weight gain, and his current path...

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Should Your Next Race be Virtual? Nov 02, 2020

The stage was set for a record-breaking number of runners to toe the line yesterday at the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon. This year’s drawing for the race was the largest in history, with close to 200,000 applicants — a pool 50 percent larger than the race drew in 2019.



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165: Listen To Your Body Oct 29, 2020


Sometimes finding your “why” can be the difference between heading out the door or not.  In this episode, we want to look more specifically about why you run any particular workout.  Tuning into your body’s effort levels and realizing that different runs should...

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Finding Consistency Oct 26, 2020

Helen Klein was in her mid-50s and had never run a mile when her husband, Norman, approached her about running a 10-mile race together. Helen decided she didn’t want Norman to run the race alone, so she began running around the yard with him — starting with a fifth of a mile and...

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164: How To Find Consistency Without Motivation Oct 22, 2020


Most runners understand the idea of consistency and how small consistent steps can pay off with a huge reward.  Major milestones are not reached overnight, and meteoric rises are usually followed by similar falls.  Runners, especially long distance runners, understand the idea...

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163: Ask Us Anything: Listener Questions Answered Oct 15, 2020

In this week's episode, we answer some of the questions posed to us by our listeners. Tune in to hear the answers!


Highlights of the Episode


What’s the best way to keep running as I age? How do I maintain speed/pace as I age with less injuries? 

How to go from walking to...

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Fuel Like A Runner Oct 12, 2020

For many runners, eating is about so much more than food — it’s about fuel. We know we need fuel to power our workouts, and we know that what we eat before a run can affect how it will feel. For example, we know that if we eat a cheeseburger 10 minutes before heading out the door for...

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162: Fuel Like A Runner Oct 08, 2020


Everyone wants the secret to proper fueling during a race and the exact nutrition plan following a workout or race.  While there are certain guidelines and general methods that work better than others, a major part of the picture is overall nutrition.  In this episode we will...

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The Case Against Cookie-Cutter Training Plans Oct 05, 2020

You decide to run your first half marathon. You’ve heard 12 weeks is how long you’ll need to train, so you pick a race that’s exactly 12 weeks away on the calendar, print out a schedule you find online, and tape it to the wall for accountability.


You have a reason you...

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